Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 19th Meeting

We have a Quarterly Business Meeting this Wednesday, and no Wednesday night service the week of Thanksgiving (26 Nov).  So please look for a update the week before our next Wednesday night service which will be on the 3rd of December.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lesson #25: Preparation for November 12th

We will continue our study in chapters 49-52.

1.  The Jews as a people have many times come through very difficult circumstances--which continue to this day.  They might be tempted to proclaim Isa 49:14, but what great truth does the following text reinforce.  How would you use the New Testament to parallel this same idea?

2.  Isa 51:1-2 give further guidance regarding what should be front and center in the thinking of the Jewish people.  Is this admonition in any way connected to Christianity?

3.  Simply read through Isa 50 and see how many connections you can find to the historical accounts of what happened to Jesus.

See you on Wednesday!