Thursday, October 23, 2014

Les #24: Preparation for November 5th

(Due to a guest speaker on the 29th--this lesson has been pushed back to the 5th of November.)

The next block of text at which we are going to look is chapters 49-57.  I would like you to get a general overview as we prepare to investigate these 9 chapters.  

1. Begin by reading chapter 53. Put a little pencil mark by every phrase the seems to make reference to something we know about Jesus Christ.  You will be amazed at the number of marks you accumulate.  

2.  From there, just go back to chapter 49 and start reading.  Again, you will be amazed at how often references to Jesus occur and how often those references entail some sort of suffering or humiliation. Why do you think the Jews were expecting only a reigning king?

See on you Wednesday!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Les #23: Preparation for October 22nd Study

We are going to spend one more study in Isaiah chapters 41-46.  This time we want to take a look at another theme that runs through the latter part of the book and is very pronounced in these six chapters.  Furthermore, it once again has significant ramifications for us in our day.  

You may wish to read the entire six chapters again, by as you do, concentrate on the following sections:  Isa 41:22-24, 41:26-29,  42:8-9,  43:9-13, 44:7,  45:1-4,  45:11-13, 46:5-13

1.  What is the major point the Lord is making clear in each of these sections?

2.  How many times has God told us ahead of time what He is going to do, and then done it?  Jot down as many as you can think of.

3.  What ramifications does this have for a correct understanding of prophecy in our day?

See you on Wednesday the 22nd.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15th Study

No preparation for the 15th as we will have a guest speaker in the person of Steve Hayes who, along with his family, are missionaries to Russia.  He will have some very interesting things for us as they prepare to return.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lesson 22: Preparation for October 8th Study

Take a look at the following Scripture as a way of preparing for our next study:

   Isa 41:14     Isa 43:5     Isa 44:2     Isa 44:8

Notice they all deal with the issue of being afraid.  Consider these questions, which we will discuss further on Wednesday night. 
1.  Why might the Israelites have cause to be afraid as they head back to Israel? 

2.  If we continue the line of reasoning we have been developing, why might we, during our day and time, have cause to be afraid?  

3.  In the above Scripture,  in what specific ways does God address fear?  

4.  Is His comfort still applicable today?  Can you add anything to it from the New Testament?