Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lesson 21: Preparation for the October 1st Study

We have a bit more to cover in chapter 40, but will begin to turn our attention to chapters 41-46.  We won't specifically go line-by-line, so simply  read through these chapters with a pen and paper handy, and here is what I suggest you look for.  God, through Isaiah, is going to tell the people certain kinds of things they are going to need to know as they head back to the Land and face quite a number of obstacles. 

So #1:   See how many of these things you can find.  

As I went through these chapters myself, I was struck by how many of these things apply to us, the Church, as we bear witness to the gospel of grace in the face of apathy and opposition.  

And #2:  See how many New Testament promises you can identify that apply to us, addressing the same kinds of issues faced by the Jews many centuries ago.  

I think you will find that God's plan for mankind has been much more consistent than we realize.  

In His grace,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lesson 20: Preparation for the September 24th Study

(Since we didn't meet last week, this remains the prep for the 24th of September)

As we move into the final portion of the book (chapters 40-66) we will find not only great prophecy regarding the future, but also tremendous application for the present.  Let's see if we can find some as we focus upon chapter 40 in the week ahead. 

If we continue to develop the idea that I introduced last Wednesday, we are looking at chapter 40 as revelation to Israel at the time they are preparing to return to the Land from their exile in Babylon.  The destruction of the nation and the exile of the people will naturally cause them to question God's love for them and His attitude toward them.  God addresses this in many ways in chapter 40 (and the chapters that follow), see if you can identify at least three ways in which He encourages the hearts of the people.  (Consider the entire chapter.)




Let me give you one more thing to ponder.  Isa 40:3-5 is typically attributed to John the Baptist and his message about the coming Messiah.  Can you think of any other application that can be made given Israel's current circumstances, i.e. exiled from her homeland.