Our memory verse: Isa 30:15
We are in the middle of looking at two things, which I want to suggest need to be kept in the proper "tension" in the thinking of a Christian.
The first, is that God judges evil--both evil found among His people and the evil of this world. What sometimes causes us to be perplexed is when we see God using the evil entities of this world as the means to judge His people. Isn't one evil worse than the other? This issue will ultimately be answered by a view of God on His throne in Isaiah chapter 6. In the meantime, we will shortly see how God judges the wicked of this world, after using them to judge His people, in Isaiah chapter 10.
The other item, that must be kept in proper tension with the judgment of the wicked, is how God expects His people to live out their lives--including those cases when judgment is falling all around. We saw this last Wednesday in Hab 2:4, which says, ". . .My righteous ones will live by faith." Amazingly, this verse is quoted three times in the New Testament. What I would like you to do in order to be ready for our study is to look at each quotation, and answer the following questions:
Rm 1:17
- How does the context of Romans one shape our understanding of the "life of the righteous"?
- What would a response to Rom 1:17 "look like"?
Gal 3:11
- How does the context of Galatians three shape our understanding of the "life of the righteous"?
- What would a response to Gal 3:11 "look like"?
Heb 10:38
- How does the context of Hebrews ten shape our understanding of the "life of the righteous"?
- What would a response to Heb 10:38 "look like"?
See you on Wednesday!